NoraAlgalad on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

November 3, 2011
Muhammad prophet of mercy by *nora-art Suggesters words: "This is wonderful different from "normal" typography. I love the elegant style and the colors used, but most of all the unique outcome and the meaning... Just beautiful!" I can't help but agree - simply beautiful work.
Featured by ChewedKandi
Suggested by Shadowelve
NoraAlgalad's avatar

Muhammad prophet of mercy



WOW my work is featured in DD :iconpyrodanceplz:

it's my first DD

It makes me so proud to be serving my religion and my Arabic case and spread of my Arab cultures and civilization of Islamic
I would to thank Shadowelve for suggestion i really happy for suggest and i would to say to you
you make my day a happy day ALLAH bless you and many thanks to ChewedKandi for featured my work in DD i really appreciate it so much
i pray to ALLAh to lead you to right way insha'ALLAh .


الســــلام عليـــكم ورحمـــــــــة الله وبركـــــــاته
كنت انوى عمل تصميم لرسول الله عيسى عليه السلام
ولكن عندما رأيت صدفة عباد الصليب يسبوا و يهينوا
رسولنا الحبيب المصطفى المختار
صلى الله عليه وسلم

ولا أقول غير حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل قاتلهم الله و أدعو الله أن يهدى منهم من يجهل و ان ينتقم ممن سولت له نفسه أن يقول كلام بغير حق فى حبيب الله وسيد الخلق أجمعين رسول العالمين محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

وان شاءالله قريبا ترقبوا تصميمى الجديد لرسول الله عيسى عليه السلام

أرجو أن يعجبكم

Peace to you and ALLAH mercy and blessings

I ask ALLAH Almighty to all of you the very best and in the grace and blessing .

I do not know why some of the other religions such as Christianity, insulting our Messenger Muhammad peace be upon him .
Especially in my country, Egypt, many of the Christians insult us through their channels and also in many Christian sites that are full of insults to us as Muslims .
I wonder to this .. What is this global persecution of Islam and Muslims.
I pray to ALLAH "God" to guide the ignorant of these Christians to the religion of truth.
Yesterday we saw someone insults our prophet and attaching our Islam and today ALLAH guided him to Islam and became Ransom for Prophet Mohammed by his Spirit and his blood .

may ALLAH lead you to religion truth and right way .

And last but not least
I hope you like my work :rose:
wait my next design for Issa " Jesus "peace be upon him


please respect my copyright

These art work attributed to Nora Algalad is not entitled to use or display without my permission.

Based on a work at

© 1433 - 2011 NORA ALGALAD. All rights reserved

Image size
1000x1976px 717.64 KB
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HeroicFourze01's avatar

Masha Allah. This is so beautiful. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was my role model for showing us the true ways of Islam, and I am happy to be a Muslim.